Thursday, June 10, 2010

Writer's Notebook

Here is a narrative written by Daniel.

Nightmare at Preston Market.
I was at Preston Market with Peter S, Lachlan, James and Tomas. All of the sudden a $10 note glide slowly to the floor. I pick up the the note and kept walking with my friends. Then people started chasing us. We ran into the Men’s toilet and went into the cubicle.

“Why is this happening?, “I asked.
“We don’t know”, replied Lachlan, James and Peter.
“Maybe it’s the $10 note you picked up”, suggested Tomas.
Then the others kept saying flush the note. At this moment I started to think of what I could buy with $10. Maybe I could buy a laptop, Na, there’s no laptops that cost $10. It was too good to give up. Finally I gave up the note and flushed it.

When we got out of the toilet everything was back to normal.
“What a day”, we said together.
“Who’s up for lunch?”Tomas asked.
We all had lunch and went home.

~Next day~
Next day we saw an old man screaming into the toilets.

“Looks like someone picked up our problem”, I said.

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